My dad got it for me on my birthday when I was six or seven years old. My first memory of gaming was playing a racing game on what I later learned was a Watara Supervision. This entry was contributed by Yu He, whose puzzle game Worm Jazz launches on the PC for Steam and the Switch today. Excellent.Why I Love is a series of guest editorials on intended to showcase the ways in which game developers appreciate each other's work. So if you're playing the game that was installed by another user on the same machine you must run it once before trying to add new portraits or transfer save games. This folder is auto generated per user after they run the game once. It will open up your user Library folder and let you browse to Application Support/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock/ folder, where your saves and the Portraits folder are located. Porkdish: As the linked post mentions, Legend of Grimrock stores everything user related in osX's Application Support folder, not your Documents folder. within the Go menu in Finder (shortcut: Command+Shift+G). When using the latest versions of osX, to get to the folder you need to put your custom portraits and/or find your saved games you need to use Go to Folder. You can't see or find it by casually browsing within Finder. Its worth noting that in the latest version of osX (Mountain Lion 10.8.X ) and possibly in Lion (10.7.x) too the Library folder where the Application Support folder is located, is hidden. As the linked post mentions, Legend of Grimrock stores everything user related in osX's Application Support folder, not your Documents folder.